Interested in our solution?
Reach out to us

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Here are our

company details

General: +31 (0)85 303 7684
Support: +31 (0)85 303 4244

Visiting address:
Stationsweg 73b
6711PL Ede, The Netherlands

Postal address:
P.O. Box 169,
6700AD Wageningen, The Netherlands

Reasons to use LabBuddy

Well-prepared students

LabBuddy helps students to understand the experiment before the practical class, making sure they know better what they are doing.

Increased motivation

Students are motivated to prepare well and they gain confidence through built-in interactive feedback.

Reduced teacher workload

Students learn with automated feedback, so teachers no longer need to repeat their explanations. This allows teachers to cope with increasing student numbers.

Efficient use of time

Thanks to their good preparation, students start working quickly. They find the answers to their low level questions within LabBuddy instead of having to wait for assistance.

What do teachers say?

Robert Kourist
Professor Molecular Biotechnology at TU Graz
LabBuddy helps our students prepare for the lab course and keep track of their experiments!
Simone Mesman
Assistant professor Psychobiology at University of Amsterdam
With the help of LabBuddy, students were able to quikcly and efficiently design and perform their own experiments.
Wilma Hazeleger
Food microbiologist at Wageningen University & Research
LabBuddy allows students to design their own experiment, while teachers can still cope with increasing student numbers.

Our e-learning solution has

users all
over Europe

Reach out to us

Please fill in the form below to schedule a demo. You can also use this form to ask any other question.

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* mandatory

ISO Certification

Kryt B.V., the company responsible for LabBuddy, operates an information security management system that complies with the requirements in ISO/IEC 27001:2022 for the development, delivery and support of e-learning software, as defined by management and in accordance with our statement of applicability. We will send you this statement of applicability on request.

Register for a training

Please fill in the form below to register for a training. You can also use this form to ask any other question.

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* mandatory