Teacher story by

Marlien van Mever

Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research
“LabBuddy took so much work out of our hands!”

The challenge

Our main challenge was to accommodate large amounts of students (150+ and growing numbers) within a lab course, with a limited amount of available assistants. The explanation how to use the analytical equipment would already take the assistants at least a few hours a day.

The transformation

The integration of LabBuddy allowed the students to build their analytical workflow before going into the lab, thereby including direct feedback on their workflow. Descriptive videos and pictures were added to add information about where to find and how to use certain chemicals/equipment.

The final result

Using LabBuddy, we noticed that students were better prepared and therefore felt more confident at the start of their lab work. At the same time, LabBuddy significantly reduced the workload of our assistants. We managed to reduce the number of lab assistants by 50%!

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Kryt B.V., the company responsible for LabBuddy, operates an information security management system that complies with the requirements in ISO/IEC 27001:2022 for the development, delivery and support of e-learning software, as defined by management and in accordance with our statement of applicability. We will send you this statement of applicability on request.

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